The symbol a close parenthesis attached to a vinculum. Click Accent, then select Overline - Wikipedia. In a manuscript of 1456, written in Germany, the word et is used for addition and is generally. Mini book reviews - Christie Barlow - "Love Heart Lane" Books 1-6 ChristieJBarlow /7/min… - 4 days agoīook Review - Rabina Khan - "My Hair is Pink Under This Veil" #ReadIndies librofulltime.wordpress. On the Insert tab of the ribbon, click Equation > Insert new equation. Save your file before proceeding so that you have a version to go back to if. Question: Solve the word problems given below. This is such a funny, good read - so glad it's being re-released! /spikenard65/st… - 2 days ago Field codes can be finicky, and have been known to crash Word. Note: V is an assumed symbol for the vinculum symbol, which is represented using a dash (-) on top of a number. The Alt code for the Bullet Point Symbol is 0149. Be careful Blogging Brexit Business Celebration Computers Copy-typing Copyediting Ebooks Errors Ethics Excel Facebook Guest posts Iris Murdoch Jobs Language use Localisation Marketing New skills Newsletters Organisation PowerPoint proofreading Prosopagnosia Punctuation Reading Reference materials Reviews SEO Short cuts Skillset Small Business Chat Social media Students Trados Transcription Troublesome pairs Twitter Uncategorized Volunteering What Do I Do? Why bother Windows Word WordPress Writingīook review Anika Hussain - "This is How You Fall in Love" /1/boo… - 23 hours agoīook reviews - Christie Barlow - "Love Heart Lane" Books 8-10 ChristieJBarlow #NetGalley OneMoreChapter /9/boo… - 2 days ago Microsoft Word 2016 From the top menu select Home, in the section for the font options there are two buttons: code x/code is called subscript. Insert bullet point in Word using Alt Code (Shortcut) All the symbols in Microsoft Word have a unique code that can be used to insert the symbols into Word.